
Healthcare Cybersecurity

NaviSec has long been committed to healthcare as an important partner with unique needs. Our team has built custom solutions to effectively protect PHI, as well as empowering our healthcare clients to reach effective HIPAA compliance through regular servicing and effective use of our Delta, Sentry and Atlas offerings that are custom tailored for the unique challenges of healthcare cybersecurity and compliance.

NaviSec has long been committed to healthcare as an important partner with unique needs. Our team has built custom solutions to effectively protect PHI, as well as empowering our healthcare clients to reach effective HIPAA compliance through regular servicing and effective use of our DeltaSentry and Atlas offerings.

The NaviSec team has performed numerous Delta Vulnerability Assessments, Penetration Tests, and Secure Infrastructure Design projects for the healthcare industry. Our expertise in penetration testing custom healthcare web applications ensures that your unique services and processes don’t leave you uniquely vulnerable to cyber criminals. NaviSec has assisted with proactively identifying and resolving numerous software bugs before data breaches could occur.

Many NaviSec healthcare partners utilize Sentry to manage firewalls and security devices, including secure voice, email, network, authentication, and web application firewalls. An assessment of the organization’s current infrastructure is included in the standard onboarding process for Sentry services.

Is your guest WiFi separated from your server network? Can VoIP packets be intercepted by workstations on your network? Are there proper endpoint security and monitoring solutions in place to ensure malware cannot interfere with business operations? Do your employees have quarterly or annual cyber security awareness training?

NaviSec can ask these questions for your business, improving security posture and providing peace of mind at a reasonable cost.

Reach out today to secure your environment and ensure that your custom Healthcare IT Web Application doesn’t become a backdoor for cyber criminals.

Read more about NaviSec’s experience in Healthcare in our Case Study.

Learn More About Healthcare Cybersecurity

What People Are Saying

"Protecting the PHI of our clients is a top priority for InSync, and we value the added expertise of a cybersecurity partner like NaviSec."
Trent Baker
CISO, InSync

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